Tag: loss prevention
13 Vital Requirements for an Effective Loss Prevention Department
When building a successful loss prevention department, our objectives must be attentive to the ultimate goals of the company and needs of the business.
Solutions Snapshot: PPS – Product Protection Solutions
Solution providers offer a wide spectrum of mission-critical products and services designed to help meet the rising demands of the asset protection function and...
ISCPO Selects Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund to Receive Donation
The Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund was recently selected to receive a donation from the International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO) at this year’s conference....
Solutions Snapshot: PPS – Product Protection Solutions
With more than 60 years of combined EAS, logistics and finance experience, PPS is a formidable ally to have.
Confronting a Shoplifter: Do You Know When to Let It Go?
Choosing to show restraint, to allow a shoplifter walk away, and to accept the outcome of loss is a tough decision for an LP professional to make—especially when you're faced with insults, threats, or simply frustration at the perceived injustice.
Why Point-of-Sale Activation Technology Has Been Heralded as a Kingmaker
In a world where opposites attract, denial of service could be a force for good and put to commercial use, particularly in retail where organized retail crime gangs and opportunist thieves have had a free hand at disrupting legitimate business.
Loss Prevention Foundation Announces the First 2019 Learning Day
The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) has recently announce the first LPF Learning Day for 2019. The one-day seminar will be held Tuesday, March 12, at the University of Indianapolis.