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Tag: loss prevention associate

Professional Development, In-store audit crisis management team structure, walmart store policy when prosecuting shoplifter security cameras

Case Preparation: The Key to Successful Shoplifter Prosecutions

The loss prevention associate finally caught them red-handed. For three months, he had been trying to catch these shoplifters in the act. This time,...

Family Mourns Woman Killed in Crash Involving Shoplifting Suspect

In Oklahoma, Malinda J. Phillips, 36, was diving on Friday when her 2017 Buick Encore and was struck by a 2001 Ford F350 pickup...
active shooter policy, violence prevention strategies, threat management unit

Suspected Shoplifter Pulls Gun on LP Associate

A suspect who was confronted by a loss prevention associate at Kohl’s for allegedly stealing merchandise brandished a weapon and fled, according to Vallejo,...
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