Tag: distribution center loss prevention
Supply Chain Continues to Change
Much more attention is now being paid to supply chain than ever before. Today, supply chain is a different animal than it was just a few years ago. Read how one executive believes supply chain will continue to evolve in our industry.
Go Beyond the Basics with Your Distribution Center Loss Prevention Team
Distribution center loss prevention provides a unique challenge to the industry. As with all LP programs, the distribution center loss prevention team is tasked with...
Building the Foundation for a Strong Logistics Loss Prevention Department
Once, a distribution center supervisor told me about their former logistics loss prevention manager. During management meetings, this fellow took great pride in informing...
People on the Move: December 2016
Professional advancement and building a successful loss prevention career can mean many things to many different people. For some individuals it may mean reaching...
Head, Heart, and Hands: Best Buy’s Approach to Distribution Center Loss Prevention
Best Buy’s executive management realized some years ago that the challenges and approaches to loss prevention at our fast-growing chain of retail stores—there are...