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Tag: crisis management

social media crisis management

5 Tactics for Social Media Crisis Management

Warren Buffett has been quoted as saying, “It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it." In the digital age, social media has probably turned that five minutes into less than two minutes.

Retailers Warned to Plan for Panic

In November 2017, on Black Friday on Britain's busiest street, the "sound of gunfire and explosions" created a panic among Christmas shoppers convinced the city was under a terror attack. Dozens of people were hurt in the ensuing stampede.
Calendar of Loss Prevention conferences and Events

5 Upcoming Loss Prevention Conferences and Events

Happy New Year! This is the time of year when everyone's getting organized for 2019. Let LPM help you find your next networking opportunity, retail technology expo, or training course.
business travel safety tips

Business Travel Safety Tips and Hotel Recommendations

Long before a retailer opens shop in a far-flung destination, key personnel will need to make repeated travel to those locations. Keeping them safe during those excursions is a legitimate concern. This post offers some business travel safety tips for retail ops and LP pros on the go.
publix security

Publix Security Supervisor on Certification: “I Expected a Lot, and I Received a Lot”

Kenn Dilworth, LPC, has over twenty years of loss prevention and security experience with Best Buy, Marshalls, and his current employer, Publix Super Markets.
goodwill loss prevention

Mission Driven

After a long career in loss prevention, including twenty-six years at Best Buy, Paul Stone, CFE, LPC, is now experiencing unparalleled results. Tempted out...
writing an incident report

Getting Your Employees Comfortable with Writing an Incident Report

Here is a quick-and-dirty guide to instructing employees on the proper techniques of writing an incident report: a key loss prevention skill that is critical to professional growth.
restaurant security

Franchisees: Building a Restaurant Security Program from Scratch

Consider this: restaurant security programs require monetary output for potential safety measures, such as buying and installing CCTV cameras or implementing access systems. Such...
Professional Development, In-store audit crisis management team structure, walmart store policy when prosecuting shoplifter security cameras

Your Crisis Management Team Structure Must Consider Human Emotion

An employee has been murdered as a result of a workplace violence situation. A Category 2 hurricane is headed for your facilities. A never-before-seen infectious disease has arrived and is negatively affecting your operation due to the anxiety it is causing your employees and customers. These are just some of the critical incidents that I have been a part of managing.
crisis communication

Revisit Your Crisis Communication Plan

With reports of Hurricane Florence predicting catastrophic damage for Virginia and the Carolinas in the coming days, preparation is top of mind for everyone. 
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