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Tag: asset protection

B&H Photo Selects Brian Bazer to Lead Its Loss Prevention Efforts

B&H Photo, the largest nonchain electronics retailer in the nation, selected Brian Bazer as its first loss prevention hire reporting to the CEO and responsible for assessing, developing, and implementing a loss prevention strategy for the company.
Supply-chain security management

The First Step to Improving Your Supply-Chain Security Management

A retailer that doesn’t get a loss problem under control has a real problem. It bites into profit margins and pushes them closer to the brink. But a proactive asset protection strategy changes all of that.
rite aid asset protection

The Rite Aid Asset Protection Team Reveals Details about Its Valuable Investigation Tool

One day in October of 2017, a man of medium build entered a Rite Aid in one of the nation’s largest cities, approached the register, and demanded cash. As the drawer was being opened, the subject flung himself over the counter, grabbing whatever cash he could.
Electronic Article Surveillance Source Tagging, eas tag

Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Source Tagging: 20+ Years of Innovation

Every so often, a simple idea catches the imagination, fervor, and engagement of a group of people and is developed into a successful practice that revolutionizes a business. Electronic article surveillance (EAS) source tagging is definitely one of those.
WZ video tip

Interview and Interrogation Training: Advantages of the Telephone Interview

In the last few years, it seems that more and more organizations are conducting interviews remotely, whether that means over the phone or with the use of some type of videoconferencing tool.

The Loss Prevention Foundation Announces Newest Diploma-Level Partners

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) recently announced its newest Diploma-level partners, Alto Assurance and ClickIt.
retail shoplifting policies and procedures, company security policy

The Complete Guide to Ensuring Staff Compliance with Your Company Security Policy

All workplace security behaviors have either a positive or negative outcome. Positive security behaviors help safeguard assets; negative behaviors put them at risk. Loss prevention policies are the starting point for encouraging positive security behavior.
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