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Tag: ask the expert

Cutting Through the Hype of Crime Data Part 2

In this discussion, we delve deeper into the impact that "place" has when analyzing crime risk and crime trends.

Cutting Through the Hype of Crime Data

This discussion will be the first in a series about how to use crime data, evaluate trends, view headlines and statistics in the mainstream media with healthy skepticism, and, most importantly, use data and modeling to improve operations, lower risks, and properly allocate resources.

Ask the Expert: The Importance of Technology and Partnerships in LP

James Stark, an industry expert with dynamic experience, delves into the significance of technology and partnerships in loss prevention

Ask the Expert: The Latest Organized Retail Crime Trends

Kris Vece has almost twenty years of experience in the security industry and joined Protos in 2015.

Ask the Expert: Using Data to Assess the Risk of Crime

Asset protection and security teams often seek statistics to help assess the risk of crime when developing programs to secure local store locations. But what data are best suited and most trusted?

Ask the Expert: Securing Retail Facilities to Protect People and Assets

In today’s retail environment, protecting people and assets is a vital role for asset protection organizations. We asked one physical security expert about options for securing the exits throughout a store, distribution center (DC), or other retail facility.
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