Swing for Certification Scholarship Recipients Announced

On June 10, 2019, in Fullerton, CA, the Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) hosted the second annual Swing for Certification golf tournament preceding the NRF PROTECT conference. This event was held to raise money to fund LPQ and LPC course scholarships for LP professionals who want to advance their careers by obtaining their LPQ or LPC certification. Proceeds also benefited the Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund. In 2018 the first Swing for Certification tournament raised enough money to award 128 scholarships in the name of LPF Board Member Emeritus Bob MacLea. The goal for the 2019 tournament was to meet or exceed that amount.

The LPF is thrilled to announce that, thanks to the amazing generosity of the LPF partners, Swing for Certification sponsors, and all the tournament attendees, over $90,000 was raised. This will allow the LPF to award 139 Bob MacLea LPQ and LPC Scholarships. These scholarships will be awarded to loss prevention professionals from 73 different organizations in 19 different countries and the US Armed Forces.

Terry Sullivan

“Swing for Certification, after only two years, has far exceeded our expectations and shows the tremendous support we have to continue to develop and provide challenging educational content to our industry,” said Terry Sullivan, LPC, president of the LPF. “It is such a great day to get together with our colleagues to have some fun on the course and, as an added benefit, we get to give back to our industry. The LPF cannot express its gratitude enough for all our sponsors, partners, and everyone that came out, for supporting our mission of education. We are looking forward to Swing for Certification 2020. Many of our great solution provider partners have already committed to sponsoring this event and a special call-out to Vector Security Networks who has committed to being the Platinum Level Sponsor for the third consecutive year.”

The scholarship applications, which had to include a one- to two-paragraph essay on how the recipient plans to use the knowledge they obtain from the course to further their career and personal development, have been pouring in for months. After reviewing each application and reading every essay, the Bob MacLea Scholarship recipients have been chosen. Congratulations to all the winners!

The following individuals will receive an LPC course scholarship:
Robert Agee
Michelle Albrecht
Jose Alonzo
Pankaj Aneja
Ahileahi Ashbrook
Derek Ball
Andrea Barger
Annette Barry
Corderro Baxter
Tiffany Bonitatibus
Kevin Branham
Cheryl Brereton, LPQ
Keely Brown, LPQ
Dwayne Bryant
Justin Bul
Brandon Burston
Alfredo Caraveo
Liliana Carioto
Terry Chandler
Michael Chapa
Tony Chiem
Christopher Collins
Hezekiah Cuffy
Nathan Dammann
Jason Daniels
Michael Davis
Jonathan Devlin
Colleen Dillon
Lisa Donaldson
Cris Drugan, LPQ
Timothy Larouere
Scott Majchszak
Michael May
Chandler McAdams
Christopher McGourty
Parker Mesch
Michael Norman
Olalekan Olayinka
Paul Padgett, Jr.
Larry Peeler
Rohmat Pujiono
William Ratnakar
Dexter Roberts
Michael Safar
Robert Salazar
Robert Schoener, JR
Norman Smaligo
Casey Smith
Barbara Staib
Jerrad Stamm
Kenneth Switzer
Robert Vick, III
Jamal Washington
Jennifer Wilson
Dustin Yost, LPQ
Ray Young

The following individuals will receive an LPQ course scholarship:
Tyler Aken
Colette Aleong
Tina Alfonso
Yesenia Alvarez
John Austin
Pateh Baldeh
Gabrielle Blunt
Simon Boyce
Scott Boyd
Heather Brown
Austen Carpenter
Aurea Carrillo
Stephan-John Chesters
Julliana Curry
Brian Dollard
Kevin Doody
Timothy Doty
Steven Emery
Shahairyar Farooqui
Jackwayne Fernandez
Caleb Fili
Dennis Freire
Victor Guevara
Tracy Hensley
Richard Jakobiw
Ignatz Van Rensburg
April Jeffreys
Imonitie Johnson
Nicholas Johnston
Germaine Jolivette
Egy Joseph
Steven Kelly
Drew Kinney
Jaime Knapp
Ram Kumar
Sean Lawler
Michael Leonard
Michael Lu
Christopher Marty
Scott McMillion
Kevin Miller
Xander Miller
David Miller, Jr.
Michael Monaghan
Kenneth Oliphant
Tammie Ollivier
Lawrence Oni
Blake Owens
Joseph Palmisani
Orbin Perez
David Pozo
Bibin R
Lirim Ramadani
Thomas Reid
Robert Richardson
Latorya Robinson
Andres Rosales
Rebecca Ruiz
Josh Starner
Emmanuel Suarez
Kelly Sutherland
Jose Velarde
Kurt Vogan
Robert Wilson
Sondra Wilson
Zackary Wimer
Steve Windham
Diwakar Yellapu

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