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Suspect Hit LP Associate with Vehicle

A loss prevention associate was thrown off a vehicle when trying to stop a male who allegedly took merchandise from a Station Mall business in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. Goods were valued at about $230. 

The LP associate chased a male suspect to the parking lot, police say. The man entered a vehicle and accelerated forward, forcing the associate on to the automobile’s hood. He continued driving at a high rate of speed.

An aggressive turn forced the victim on to the pavement. The associate was taken to Sault Area Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
 The suspect was arrested the following day. The vehicle was stolen from a city residence. The man wasn’t supposed to drive. Tony Agawa, 26, was charged with possession of property obtained by crime, robbery, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle while causing bodily harm; failure to remain at the scene of a collision, and two counts of  driving while suspended.   [Source: Sault Star]

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