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Suspect Accused of Shoplifting; Attacks LP Associate

It was in a West Brownsville (Pennsylvania) Walmart that state police say Tiffany Jane Good ran into problems when she allegedly tried a common theft tactic at the self check-out. Trooper Robert Broadwater told KDKA “it’s called under-ringing.”

“She was scanning the Kool-Aid packets while filling the bags up with other items like clothing, groceries and food. What Good didn’t realize was the store loss prevention officer was on to her. When confronted by him, a bad situation for Good became worse.

According to investigators, she struck the male victim in the head with a blunt object. Then she was gone, taking off out of the store. The store employee, still in a daze after the blow to the head, couldn’t pursue her. “She has a history of shoplifting, especially at that store,” said Broadwater. Court records show recent retail theft arrests as well as a number of harassment charges against the 31-year-old…  KDKA2 News

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