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State Police Investigate Credit Card Fraud at Three Separate Locations

The Pennsylvania State Police are investigating credit card fraud that happened at three different Lowe’s locations in the area. Police say there were four transactions completed at Wilkes-Barre, Edwardsville, and Bartonsville Lowe’s. These fraudulent transactions totaled $11,060.58 in losses.

The pictured white van is of the actual vehicle that they were driving. Any persons with information regarding this incident or if you can identify the pictured suspects are asked to contact the PSP Wyoming Station at 570.697.2000 and speak to Trooper Flynn or you can contact the Pennsylvania Crime Stoppers if you have information on this crime, any serious crime, or wanted person, call the Pennsylvania Crime Stoppers Toll Free at 800.4PA.TIPS (8477) or online at…  Fox56 News

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