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STANLEY Security and I-View Now Announce Partnership

STANLEY Security has announced a partnership with I-View Now, a cloud-based video verification service that communicates event- based clips and live video from alarm events using its award-winning central station video interface. The partnership strengthens STANLEY Security’s position as a video alarm verification monitoring services provider and enables customers to participate in the real-time decision-making process of determining the likelihood of a crime in progress associated with their alarm activity.

I-View Now was created to simplify verification of video alarms during the dispatch process, help reduce false alarms, and to increase apprehensions through the cloud-based portal, where live, situational events can be viewed. When a customer’s alarm is triggered, a Customer Service Center operator can watch a recorded clip of the circumstances that caused the alarm, as well as view the facility or property in real-time. This removes the guessing game about what caused the system to go into alarm, allowing for quick, direct and dependable police dispatch. Simultaneously, customers can look at the same actionable video — on their mobile devices or computers — that the central station operator is viewing to help determine the authenticity of the incident and communicate with the central station.

Industry experts anticipate that this collaboration between the operator and the customer – seeing the tangible, detectible event at the same time – will have long-reaching impact with first responders and law enforcement where delayed response and false alarms are an ongoing issue. Providing dependable, accurate information, by both viewing parties, as the event is playing out, could significantly decrease false alarm incidents and result in improved outcomes with police departments around the country.

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We look forward to a mutually beneficial, long-term partnership with I-View Now, one that has generated enormous interest in our ability to offer our customers an expanded portfolio of video verification options with mobile capabilities,” states Rich Mellott, Director of Product Management, STANLEY Security. “In the past, we’ve had to manage disparate proprietary solutions, and, while it served our needs at the time, we now have the flexibility to provide a greater value of situational awareness in a highly reliable, rapid and secure way to STANLEY’s legacy customer base and new customers alike.”

“We all agree the traditional burglar alarm is a deterrent to crime, yet we also know video verification is a significant enhancement to traditional security solutions,” said Larry Folsom, President and CEO of I-View Now. “End users want to consume actionable video whenever they want to. With our partnership, STANLEY customers will not only be able to view live video of their facilities, but they can also touch a button to call the central monitoring station at that moment, if they choose to.”

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