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Shoplifter Killed in Oklahoma Shooting Identified

The man killed Saturday night has been identified, the Del City police said. Gabriel Lane Carter, 25, was killed after a struggle with a Del City police officer and an off-duty Amber police officer.

Read: Shoplifter Killed after Shooting Police Officer and Security Guard

Police were called about 11:45 p.m. Saturday to Walmart in Del City in connection with a shoplifting case. The Del City officer tried to take the shoplifter into custody when the suspect began to resist. During the struggle with the Del City and off-duty Amber police officers, the suspect reportedly fired a small semi-automatic pistol at the officers.

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The Del City police officer shot the suspect twice and Carter was pronounced dead at the scene. During the struggle, the Amber officer was shot in the arm and abdomen and the Del City officer was shot in the leg. The Amber officer, who was identified as 51-year-old Marvin Asche, is still receiving treatment at a local hospital. The Del City officer, who has not been identified, was treated and released.   [Source: News9]

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