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Shoplifter Shot by Retired Police Officer

A retired police officer was arrested Saturday after a shooting outside of a Home Depot store in Riverside, California. It started when a man was allegedly running out of the big box store shoplifting. The retired officer saw him and opened fire.

Police say they got a call about the shooting, and when they arrived, found the retired police officer who confirmed he was the shooter. Police have not released his name or which unit he retired from beyond saying it was in LA County.

Witnesses say the man tried to leave the store without paying. It was unclear what he was taking. Loss prevention associates tried to stop the suspect, and the retired cop somehow got involved and was also telling the suspect to stop. He didn’t and was driving away when the retired police officer fired two times at the car. Police say one of the bullets grazed the suspect’s neck. He then drove himself to a nearby medical clinic where workers then called police.

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The police, looking into the shooting, later determined it was not justified. They arrested the retired police officer for assault with a deadly weapon. Meanwhile the shoplifting suspect was in the hospital and was expected to be released and given a ticket for misdemeanor theft.   [Source: CBS9 Los Angeles]

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