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Shoplifter Going to Trial for Indecent Exposure

A Meadville man who faces multiple charges for indecent exposure, shoplifting and other offenses that allegedly took place in several incidents over a three-day period last month is headed to trial on charges resulting from two of the incidents.

Ricklin Frederick Bayles, 45, waived two preliminary hearings before Magisterial District Judge Samuel Pendolino on Friday. The hearings involved incidents on February 3 and February 4.

On the evening of Feb. 3, according to a criminal complaint filed by Meadville city police, Bayles allegedly exposed himself to a security guard at Country Fair, 333 North St. Bayles is also accused of putting one can of Pabst Blue Ribbon seltzer and one can of Twisted Tea down his pants without paying $11.88 for them.

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Between about 12:45 and 1:15 PM the next day, police say that Bayles went to the drive thru at Northwest Bank, 999 S. Main St., where he allegedly exposed himself in view of a bank employee working at the window, according to a separate criminal complaint filed against Bayles. While walking north on Chancery Lane, Bayle allegedly exposed himself again, this time to a woman driving by. Bayles also elbowed the window of the woman’s vehicle as she passed, according to the criminal complaint.

Bayles also faces a charge of retail theft for allegedly taking a can of Coors Light beer worth $2.24 from Quick Stop, 324 Pine St., at approximately 9:30 a.m. February 3. A preliminary hearing on that charge is scheduled for March 12. He has previously pleaded guilty to a charge of causing damage to police property on February 2 and a charge of public drunkenness on February. 3. A charge against him for disorderly conduct on February 2 was withdrawn last month.

Bayles faces misdemeanor charges of indecent exposure and retail theft and a summary charge of disorderly conduct related to the February 3 incident at Country Fair. He faces two misdemeanor counts of indecent exposure and two for open lewdness for the February 4 incidents as well as summary charges for two counts of harassment and one count of damage to police property.

Trials in the two cases will be scheduled for the June term of Crawford County Court of Common Pleas. Bayles remains in Crawford County jail in lieu of $3,000 bond in each case… The Meadville Tribune

Officers spotted her west of the store on Otay Lakes Road and attempted to stop her, but said she fled at high speeds, running red lights along the way.

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At Telegraph Canyon Road and Paseo Ranchero, the suspect hit a Suburu as the male driver attempted to turn north on Paseo Ranchero.

Officers took the injured suspect into custody, but said she resisted arrest while waiting to be transported to a local hospital… The Meadville Tribune

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