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Security Guard Shares Details of Shooting That Killed; Critically Injured Dallas Officers in Wake of Lawsuit

A security guard working at a Dallas Home Depot last April when two Dallas Police officers were shot and one was killed, explained to CBS 11 what he remembers about that day.

This in the wake of a lawsuit filed by the families of Officer Rogelio Santander, who was killed, and Officer Crystal Almeida, who was critically injured, against Home Depot and the security company.

“I did everything legally possible to try and prevent what happened,” said security guard Elijah Lateef. From the beginning, Lateef says he didn’t feel good about taking a security guard job at this Dallas Home Depot. He recalls a conversation he had with a manager for Allied Universal Security Services, the company he was working for at the time. “He said the area is kind of sketchy,” said Lateef. “I said, ‘is it armed?’ He was like ‘no’. So I’m thinking ‘yeah I’m not doing it’…” CBS21 DFW

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