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Securitas USA Issues “Top Security Threats and Management Issues Facing Corporate America” Survey Report

Securitas Security Services USA has released its “Top Security Threats and Management Issues Facing Corporate America” survey report. This report reflects Securitas’ survey of a wide range of security managers and directors from Fortune 1000 companies and other industry participants responsible for the safety and security of corporate America’s people, property, and information. Over the years, this bi-annual survey has become an industry standard and is used by corporate security managers looking to make data-driven security planning decisions. The latest findings of the study indicate that the top five security threats are:

1. Cyber/communications security: internet/intranet security

2. Workplace violence prevention/response

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3. Active shooter threats

4. Business continuity planning/organizational resilience

5. Cyber/communications security: mobile security

In addition to industry vertical-specific data, the report also contains commentary from various Fortune 1000 chief security officers and industry principals. “As risks change and new threats emerge, the survey and its analysis can be particularly useful for organizations developing security prevention, detection, response and/or mitigation strategies and procedures,” said Don Walker, CPP, chairman of Securitas.

To request a copy of the entire report, please visit

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