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Securitas Strengthens Its Position Within Electronic Security Services in Mexico

Securitas has acquired the electronic security services company Central de Alarmas Adler in Mexico from Diebold Nixdorf Incorporated. Purchase price is estimated to be MSEK 50 (~ $5.5 million).

Central de Alarmas Adler has annual sales of approximately MSEK 74 (~ $8.4 million). The company is a leading provider of electronic security solutions and services in Mexico. It offers a full range of electronic security services, including installation, maintenance, monitoring and system integration. The operation delivers services to over 6,000 customers.  Central de Alarmas Adler has a large coast-to-coast organization, with an extensive technical network. Its headquarters is located in Monterrey.

With this acquisition, Securitas is extending its footprint in Mexico and is further strengthening its competence and knowledge within the electronic security services area.

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The acquisition was consolidated in Securitas as of May 1, 2017.

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