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“Securing New Ground” Cyber-Security Event to be Held in New York

The Global Security Risk Management Alliance (GSRMA) is partnering with the Security Industry Association (SIA) to present the “Securing New Ground” educational session at the Millennium Broadway Hotel in New York City October 28-29.

As global retail businesses face a burgeoning threat landscape, maintaining enterprise security and risk management presents evolving challenges. Founders of the Global Security Risk Management Alliance (GSRMA) have realized the pressing need for new thought leadership and clarity. Driven by technologies such as cloud computing, adoption of digital and social media, rapid geo-political shifts, and new regulatory environments, businesses have entered 2015 facing significant and serious macro risks that challenge their ability to compete in a global environment. Unfortunately, many organizations lack an effective security strategy to address this changing environment.

The evolving nature of threats suggests that the distinction between “traditional and logical” security grows less clear every day and adhering to it may, in fact, prevent effective risk management and mitigation. Widespread adoption of unified security strategies is missing, as are the systemic and practical application of risk principles that promise to provide more effective and efficient protection programs.

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As retail security threats grow exponentially each year, retail corporations need to eliminate inefficiencies and develop a unified security management strategy enacted through a risk management program that is agile and innovative. GSRMA intends to provide a platform focused on the holistic management of both traditional and logical cyber-security through the use of risk principles. This will serve to guide companies in better understanding security-related risk by fashioning an overall program that can meet and mitigate today’s critical and challenging retail security risks. The founders of GSRMA are reaching out to retail practitioners and others to attend this special event.

Of particular interest will be a session led by Dave Cullinane about Cyber Risk Management and its importance to “enable the business”.  This session will provide a plain English translation of IT Security concepts and actions so any physical security leader can engage in the discussion of protecting information and technology. The buzzwords will be explained and the techno-babble demystified, so security practitioners can understand challenges and make better business decisions. Dave is a recognized expert on this topic having led the information security program at WAMU and EBay. He is a founder of the Cloud Security Alliance and is considered an expert in this field.

About the Global Security Risk Management Alliance

The Global Security Risk Management Alliance (GSRMA) was created to provide a forum for the advancement of security risk management through the organic and deliberate sharing and collaboration of thought leadership in security and business practices across the enterprise including cybersecurity, information security, and physical security. The Alliance strives to provide an emerging and collective global view of the management of all security risk. By recognizing the nuances and degree of risk that various threats pose to different organizations, the Alliance will analyze distinct threat landscapes, share perspective, and enhance the effectiveness of managing security at the appropriate level for the enterprise.

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