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RLPSA Kicks-Off Annual Membership Campaign

The Restaurant Loss Prevention & Security Association (RLPSA) kicks-off its annual Membership Campaign to raise funds to support year-long initiatives. These initiatives include an Annual Conference, regional RLPSA CONNECT events, and numerous valuable membership benefits such as webinars, useful restaurant tools and content topic center.

RLPSA is solely focused on providing value to the community of loss prevention professionals helping their company’s minimize losses and reduce liabilities within the restaurant and food industries. RLPSA focuses on a membership drive for renewing its current membership representing numerous major brands as well as franchisees across the country. This year’s membership drive will begin November 1 and continue through the end of the year.

RLPSA Membership Benefits
As a member-run organization, members have the ability to share information about industry trends and connect with a network of peers who understand the unique challenges of loss prevention and security in the restaurant and food service industry.

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Members gain exclusive access to:

  • Webinars (one-hour webcasts covering various topics such as risk, technology, crime statistics and sponsored by industry leaders)
  • Member Resources (Topic Center, Whitepapers, Best Practices Surveys)
  • RLPSA Member Forum (Ask questions and receive feedback)
  • Free admittance to RLPSA CONNECT events, which are one-day workshops
  • Discounted registration to the RLPSA Annual Conference (July 30 – Aug. 2, 2017 | Las Vegas)
  • Professional development opportunities that are designed to meet the specific interests and concerns of restaurant and food industry professionals

RLPSA’s goal is to help make our members more efficient and successful in their careers by serving as the “go-to” resource for restaurant and food industry loss prevention and security professionals. Investigate your company’s membership rate here and join today.

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