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RLPSA Continues Food Bank Support with a $3,500 Donation = 24,500 Meals to San Antonio Food Bank

The Restaurant Loss Prevention & Security Association (RLPSA) donated $3,500 equaling 24,500 meals to the San Antonio Food Bank, a not-for-profit organization. This 2016 donation brings RLPSA’s contribution to food banks across the country to more than $40,000 over the last eight years.

RLPSA partnered with the San Antonio Food Bank by hosting a charity raffle at its recent 37th Annual Conference held in San Antonio, Texas. RLPSA member’s annual donations to local Food Banks has become a long-standing tradition within the organization.

Located in Southwest Texas, the San Antonio Food Bank serves over 58,000 people throughout the year. Every dollar donated helps provide 7 meals for those in need.

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The upcoming 2017 Annual RLPSA Conference will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada. RLPSA will partner with Three Square Food Bank of Southern Nevada to continue the long-standing tradition of making a significant impact on reducing hunger.

To find out more information and to register for the annual conference, visit:

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