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RLPSA Annual Conference to Be Presented “To Go”

The Restaurant Loss Prevention & Security Association (RLPSA) is converting its annual in-person conference to a “To Go” virtual format set for March 2 – 4, 2021. Given the ongoing pandemic, the “To Go” format will provide the foodservice community with a safe and economical way to obtain useful loss prevention, safety, and risk content. All are welcome to attend the RLPSA conference and register here. Note that LPM subscribers can take 50 percent off the registration fee using code LPM.

RLPSA “To Go” Schedule

March 2 – 10 am to 2 pm CST – General Session Day

  • “ADAPT: Overcoming Adversity” from Major League Pitcher Jim Abbott.
  • “Steering Your Ship Through Rough Waters: Lessons on Leadership” presented by Captain Richard Phillips who was rescued by Navy SEALs after being captured by Somali pirates.
  • “Getting Comfortable with Uncomfortable Conversations: Diversity & Inclusion” presented by James Fripp, Chief Diversity Officer for YUM! Brands, and Steven Antoine, Chief Security Officer for YUM! Brands.
  • “COVID Aftermath: Investigations, Workers’ Comp, Physical Headquarters, and More”

March 3 – Noon to 4 pm CST – Breakout Day

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Breakout topics including safety, risk, loss prevention and franchise focus. For an example of breakout topics click here. More speakers and topics will be announced.

March 4 – Noon to 4 pm CST – Breakout Sessions and Closing 2-hour Session with Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates

The all-access registration fee of $149 includes the following:

  • Restaurant and foodservice attendees will receive a physical gift box prior to the conference to “Solve for X” during the live broadcast.
  • Flexibility to attend virtually from anywhere with some live guest discussion and prizes from the event host RLPSA Executive Director Amber Bradley.
  • 24/7 access to breakout sessions available on-demand after the conference.
  • Post-conference networking with industry veterans.
  • First-time attendees receive a complimentary membership to RLPSA for one year.

Register by clicking here. Use code LPM for 50 percent discount.

For conference updates, visit the RLPSA website.

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