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Retailers Turning to Robot Warehouse Assistants to Manage Extra Holiday Workload

Retailers across the country are gearing up for a busy holiday season, but some of those retailers are not looking for people to help them with the extra workload instead, they’re turning to robots.

A startup company in California is making robots that can help manage packages at warehouses and assist with delivery. The robots use Wi-Fi, cameras and sensors to move throughout the warehouse. They then scan and see if the correct item is in its designated box, grab the box and take it to a person who unpacks the correct number of items. The items are then put into a box and shipped to your front door.

“We’re able to be more efficient, be able to handle more peoples’ demand,” said Lior Elazary, co-founder and CEO of Invia Robotics. “In fact, this e-commerce didn’t really exist before. And now we’re able to handle that, getting items to people very quickly.” As for the jobs, some will go away as robots continue… WRDB News

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