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Retailer Deploys Sanitizing Light Technology

Boll & Branch is using UV lighting technology to fight COVID-19.

The designer and retailer of sustainable home goods has installed Far-UVC 222nm downlights (from Healthe, Inc.) in its newly opened stores in Greenwich, Conn., and at Town Center at Boca Raton, Boca Raton, Fla. Far-UVC light (222nm) has been shown to safely inactivate up to 99.9% of viruses and bacteria, according to a recent study by researchers at Columbia University.

Boll & Branch is the first retailer in the country to deploy the Healthe Far-UVC technology, with the retailer installing Healthe Space downlights to sanitize the mattresses on display. Space is a ceiling light that combines general illumination with Far-UVC 222 sanitizing light to clean air and surfaces in real time. It can be used to replace traditional downlight cans and can be retrofitted into existing standard 6” housings.

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Boll & Branch is planning to install Healthe’s Far-UVC technology at an existing retail location and also at their headquarters offices.

“The health and safety of our customers and our community is top priority for us and we’re proud to implement Healthe’s advanced sanitizing technology in our retail stores to ensure just that,” said Scott Tannen, CEO and founder, Boll & Branch. “This technology will allow our customers to shop and test our product safely, and with the utmost peace of mind.”

Healthe has developed a comprehensive suite of solutions that utilize UVC and Far-UVC 222 light to sanitize indoor environments in real time, by deactivating air and surface contaminants. The solutions can be safely operated in occupied spaces, the company said.

A growing library of evidence, including independent research backed by many peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals, demonstrates that Far-UVC light is effective at inactivating viral particles in the air and on surfaces and is safe for use in indoor environments.

“We are pleased to provide Boll & Branch our next-level sanitizing solutions as they look to safely open two new stores,” said Healthe executive chairman Abe Morris. “Our ceiling downlights will enable Boll & Branch customers to shop with peace of mind. Our partnership with this highly respected retailer is another testament to the utility of our solutions as we continue to help many sectors not only reopen and stay open, but also expand their business…  Chain Store Age

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