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RILA Raffle Breaks Records for LPBF Fundraising

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) once again partnered with The Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund (LPBF) to raise money for individuals and families of loss prevention and asset protection professionals who are seriously injured, or were killed while conducting the duties of their job.

This year’s fundraiser was a huge success, breaking all previous records, culminating in a drawing for prizes during RILA’s Retail Asset Protection Conference held April 30-May 3, in Denver, Colorado. During the conference, the LPBF raffle raised $6,095 in individual contributions. Brian Dodge, RILA’s president, announced RILA would match donations dollar-for-dollar, taking the total to $12,190. ThinkLP also donated $50 per demo conducted at their booth during the event.

“I would like to personally thank everyone for their tremendous generosity. It is amazing to see the level of support our industry provides to our professionals by bringing our community together,” said Jim Cosseboom, LPC, chairman of the Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund.

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The Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund, originally formed in 2012 by the LPF under the name Loss Prevention Memorial Fund, provides financial assistance to the families of asset protection professionals who are seriously injured or were killed while performing the duties of their jobs. One hundred percent of contributions towards the LPBF go directly to the retail asset protection community.

The LPF and RILA have successfully partnered for nine years in a row to raise money for the Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund. It is through these generous gifts and donations that the LPBF can continue to provide meaningful charitable grants to loss prevention professionals and their families when it matters the most.

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