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Shoplifting Incident That Led to Police Officer Being Hit by SUV [Video]

According to the Boynton Beach Police Department (BBPD) the surveillance video from a Florida Kohl’s shows 24-year-old Ryan Moody and his accomplice, 23-year-old Elyshia Wilson shoplifting in the store.

As the two reach the doors to leave, Moody turns back around and runs. Wilson managed to escape but surrendered to police late Thursday afternoon. She is facing grand theft charges.

Police said Moody took off through the mall parking lot and as he ran into the street near Gateway and Congress, a BBPD officer spotted him, stopped his car and ran to chase him down. That’s when another car hit him. The unidentified officer is in the hospital with serious injuries.

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“This valued Police Officer exhibited unmatched bravery and commitment in the line of duty, and has been in my constant thoughts and prayers,” said Boynton Beach City Manager Lori LaVerriere. “The City of Boynton Beach is dedicated to supporting the officer and his family through this extremely difficult time.” (This video is hosted by the source website.)   [Source: CBS12 News]

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