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People First, Mission Always: Macy’s Supply Chain Asset Protection in Action

LPM had the honor to be invited once again to the annual supply chain asset protection conference for Macy’s Logistics and Operations (MLO). This year’s two-day event, which was hosted in the Joppa, MD distribution center for Macy’s Inc., was not only inclusive of AP leadership, but was broadcast via the web to the entire supply chain AP team, affectionately and appropriately referred to as “The 400,” representing the more than 400 team members across MLO.

The event kicked off with a team dinner overlooking the harbor in Havre de Grace, MD at the head of the Chesapeake Bay as the team arrived ready for the intensive. Day one of the event was noted as Family Day, with presentations reserved to divisional leadership across the Macy’s enterprise, with representation from within the MLO SCAP team as well as leaders from risk and business continuity, legal/human resources, merchandising, transportation, and the Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s department stores AP team.

The opening keynote presentation by John Ramirez from corporate security offered engaging, and sometimes entertaining, insight into the world of personal protection. Ramirez’s talk set the tone for a day that continued to educate and inform while reinforcing collaboration and demonstrating the impact the 400 has across the entire enterprise.

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The afternoon offered an annual favorite as Vice President of Supply Chain Asset Protection Maurizio Scrofani presented an aptly named session titled “What If?” With a reputation of pushing the limits of available technologies and in not only dreaming up, but partnering to design and pilot new solutions, Scrofani offered insight and demonstration of achieved results and “Coming Soon” solutions ranging from GPS tracking and integrated lock and seal solutions to remote video and data analytics.

Day two of the event focused on the extended family of solution providers and business partners that bring the “What If?” game to reality. These are the people who support The 400 strategy and operations. Kicking off with an interactive panel of leading transportation experts moderated by Jim Lee, executive editor of LP Magazine, other presentations throughout the day were also offered by the NRF, the American Trucking Association, Transport Security, 7Psolutions, XRvision, and the Ministry of Ideas.

Innovation and recognition run neck and neck across The 400, and both days were sprinkled with opportunities to pause, thank, and recognize those individuals and business partners who go above and beyond in supporting the message and mission of the MLO SCAP team and help to put the “magic” in Macy’s.

Top honors in the annual Pay It Forward award went to Eric Alvarez, SCAP manager of the Tampa MLO facility. This award recognizes a management member who exhibits a selfless spirit and who not only gives back but gives forward, doing for others to enable and inspire them to pass it on. Alvarez’s outstanding attitude and collaborative spirit allow him to lead by example. These qualities are reflective both of his team in Tampa and of The 400 as a whole in making a difference every day within MLO and across the Macy’s organization. Congratulations to Eric, to the team in Tampa, and to the entire supply chain asset protection team for a great event and a great year. LPM thanks, salutes and loves The 400!

Image Caption: From left to right: Dan McGonagle, SCAP Regional Director, East Coast; Maurizio Scrofani, SCAP VP of Asset Protection; Eric Alvarez, SCAP Manager – Tampa; Joe Medici, GVP / Controller Macy’s Logistics and Operations.

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