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Over 1M Customers Affected by Phone Network Breach

T-Mobile has been breached with more than a million of its customers having their personal data exposed. The phone network confirmed that its users’ names, billing addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, rates, plans and calling features have all been disclosed. Payment information and credit card information was not breached, the company added.

On its own, the data that was compromised isn’t exactly dangerous, but it could still be used in identity theft or account takeover attacks.

T-Mobile said it notified its users of the hack, but didn’t want to provide additional information about the hack at this time. It only said that less than 1.5 per cent of its customers were affected by the breach. The attack was spotted in early November this year, and T-Mobile said it moved to shut it down “immediately”. T-Mobile customers are advised to… IT ProPortal

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