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ORCAOR Hosting Virtual Training on Sept. 28

The Organized Retail Crime Association of Oregon is hosting Virtual OSINT 101 training, sponsored by Overwatch Solutions and the Stratint Group, on Thursday September 28, at 2 p.m. Pacific Time.

Oregon open-source intelligence refers to gathering data from open-source information, publicly available information (PAI), and commercially available information (CAI). This data includes information that you collect lawfully from publicly available sources about organizations or individuals. Law enforcement agencies, cybersecurity professionals, and forensic computer examiners can use OSINT techniques to parse vast amounts of data to supplement their work, resulting in more closed cases and successful investigations. OSINT techniques can help you identify unknown phone numbers, locate wanted suspects, and uncover links and ties you never knew existed. OSINT provides new leads and perspectives and helps colorize an otherwise black-and-white view of a subject—whether it’s a person, a group or an organization of interest.

In this 1-hour OSINT 101 training you will learn basic skills such as:

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  • How to optimize searches using the terms/language (Google dorking/Boolean operators)
  • What websites and search engines are most effective for different data types
  • Online tools to jump start your investigations
  • Mitigating risk—how good online hygiene is essential to protect you, your company/agency and investigation, creation of undercover profiles (sock puppets).
  • Localizing the Web—how to find social media or online marketplace data critical for your investigations

You will learn real-world applicable skills that are utilized today by law enforcement, military intelligence, private investigators, loss prevention, cyber defenders/attackers to help aid in their investigations. At the conclusion of this course participants will have a better understanding of how to effectively use readily available tools and techniques to quickly further their investigations leading to better productivity and faster case closures. This course will lay the foundation for future trainings that ORCAOR will host and provide recommendations for other effective self-study resources.

Course Instructor Joel Hangen is a lead global investigator at Nike with over 15 years of experience protecting assets, employees, intellectual property, and brand integrity. Over the years, he has been focusing his specialization in open-source intelligence and navigating the ever-evolving digital world to help identify and disrupt criminals. Joel stays at the forefront of emerging technologies and investigative techniques, ensuring that he uses the latest tools and methodologies to help deliver results.

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