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Your Opinion Requested: What Are the Skills Needed for the Next Generation of LP Professional?

It is not news that the role of loss prevention professionals is rapidly changing to meet the expanding needs of the retail industry. LP Magazine is collaborating with the Security Executive Council (SEC) to look at what the future asset protection professional will look like—what skill sets, education, and other attributes will be needed to fully contribute to the retail enterprise.

Three members of the SEC faculty offer their observations of the current status of loss prevention and corporate risk management in a feature article in the July-August edition titled “LP Leaders of the Future? No Big Brain Required.” This article is a launching point for a benchmarking survey of all levels of LP associates to get as many points of view of what is needed to do the job in the future. We strongly encourage everyone currently working in all areas of retail LP or risk management to contribute to the survey “LP in Transformation—What Is the Next Generation of You?

The results of the survey will be reported in a future edition of the magazine.

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