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New Store Occupancy Management System Launched by Prosegur USA

Comprised of an Axis IP camera, custom Prosegur software, and a monitor installed at the store entrance, the system dubbed Mobile Entry Manager keeps track of the number of people in the store at any time, and displays a message at the entrance whether customers can enter or whether they should wait in line.

David Crow
David Crow

“The system allows retail teams to have fewer people at the door counting customers entering and leaving, so they can instead focus on serving customers,” said David Crow, Prosegur USA’s senior vice president of commercial development. “The Mobile Entry Manager uses video analytics to count people coming and leaving and can be easily set up for multiple entrances. The ROI can be realized in a matter of weeks, based on the average wage of employees who would otherwise have to stand at the door to just count customers.”

Mike Dunn
Mike Dunn

“The system is very quick and easy to install, consisting of only a few pieces of hardware,” said Mike Dunn, Prosegur USA’s chief technology officer. “It has a reporting capability so remote loss prevention teams can easily check store occupancy levels to ensure compliance. The system can even be helpful to operations and marketing teams: by knowing store traffic at various times, employees can be scheduled more efficiently, and effectiveness of local advertising can be measured more easily.”

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The Mobile Entry Manager’s monitor displays current occupancy level in addition to the message that either welcomes customers or asks them to wait in line.

According to Crow and Dunn, the Mobile Entry Manager’s monitor displays current occupancy level in addition to the message that either welcomes customers or asks them to wait in line, and can easily be repositioned within the store for maximum visibility.

More information about the Mobile Entry Manager can be obtained by calling (800) 939-4995 or by emailing

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