New Edge D-Arm Series of EAS Tags Resist Illegal Detachers

Aiming to solve the problem of illegal detachers purchased online being used by shoplifters to remove EAS tags, Prosegur Security, a global leader in security technology, has launched a new series of EAS tags that self-alarm if removed with just a magnet. The new Edge D-Arm EAS tagging solutions from Prosegur, which are available in both pin and lanyard variations, are designed to reduce retail shrink by catching shoplifters before they get anywhere near a store exit.

“Illegal detachers have been a continuing challenge for loss prevention teams,” said Robert Simoneau, CTO of Prosegur’s global retail business unit. “But Edge D-Arm tags offers a solution, and an unpleasant surprise for shoplifters – if they are detached on the shop floor with just a magnet, the tag’s internal alarm will be set off, thus immediately alerting the associates to the attempted theft. For cashiers, removing the tags is easy – they just need to be waived over the EAS deactivator pads most retailers already have at their checkouts, and then removed with a magnetic detacher.”

Tony D'Onofrio
Tony D’Onofrio

“Shoplifters have continuously been adept at evolving their strategies to overcome loss prevention efforts,” said Tony D’Onofrio, CEO of Prosegur’s global retail business unit. “The new Edge D-Arm tags create and reinforce an overall sense of control by staying a step ahead of the shoplifters through innovation. As a major investment protection bonus, these tags leverage the existing EAS infrastructure already deployed in retail stores to greatly reduce overall installation cost.”

Videos demonstrating the Edge D-Arm Pin and the Edge D-Arm Lanyard in action can be viewed on YouTube, and their data sheets can be downloaded on Prosegur Security’s website.

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