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New eBook Helps Retailers Rebound Post-Pandemic

IDIS has released a free new eBook that details how brick-and-mortar retailers can leverage the power of next-generation video surveillance and AI-powered analytics to re-emerge more competitive and profitable post-pandemic.

Security and loss prevention managers are dealing with a wide array of shrink challenges ranging from staff, returns and multichannel fraud, internal theft, deceptive self-scanning, and organized crime. Leveraging the latest generation of cameras is proving to be an effective strategy to reduce shrink and tackle priorities such as increased violence and aggression toward staff, while also delivering essential in-store intelligence.

Todayโ€™s retailers are in transformation mode and putting a sharper focus on improving shopper loyalty through an enhanced customer experience. The capabilities of smart video technologies are helping them streamline operations and cut losses. This informational eBook details how retailers can tackle shrink head-on, take more control of their operating costs, and effectively integrate their online operations with their brick-and-mortar locations. Affordable video surveillance technology is playing a pivotal role in facilitating this transformation and providing retailers with powerful business intelligence tools.

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โ€œThe wide range of camera models and choices of VMS are a perfect fit for retailers of any size to address the shifting risk landscape and deliver rapid return on investment, particularly when it comes to tackling loss prevention and organized retail crime,โ€ said Andrew Myung, president of IDIS America. โ€œAt the same time, AI-powered video analytics are also becoming more affordable and providing even smaller stores with easy-to-use tools to enhance the customer experience and ultimately boost sales.โ€

Topics covered in the eBook include overcoming economic hurdles; getting on top of retail shrink; protecting against store violence; gaining value from affordable AI-powered video analytics; affordable and reliable storage; designing systems for assured compliance; and ensuring rapid return on investment.

To download this free eBook, click here or visit the IDIS eBook page, which features a range of one-click, educational guides.

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