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Naked Man Fatally Shot by Security Guard During Alleged Knife Attack at Fast Food Restaurant

A security guard shot and killed a man following an alleged knife attack on an elderly man at a Palmdale McDonald’s on Sunday afternoon, witnesses said.

The violence took place at the restaurant, according to FOX40 sister station KTLA. Juan Paiz, who owns the involved security company, Paiz Patrol, said he was still gathering information.

The attacker had crashed a car into a nearby Carl’s Jr. restaurant prior to heading to the McDonald’s and stripping off his clothes, according to officials and witnesses. “(He) apparently started stabbing several patrons,” Paiz said. “At that point, security approached him. He tried to stab a security officer and the security officer defended himself by firing his service weapon.”

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The attacker stabbed an 88-year-old man who was eating with his grandson, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department officials said. The victim was in stable condition… Fox40 News

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