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Most Surveyed Believe Masks Should Be Required in Retail Stores

In an unscientific web poll on the LPM website, a large majority of the 538 respondents (74%) responded “Yes, everyone should wear a mask” to the question “Do you believe wearing a mask should be required in retail stores?” Other responses were 18% marking “I think it should be a choice whether I wear a mask or not” and 8% indicating “I do not believe masks serve any benefit.”

The poll that ran in December 2020 and January 2021, also asked the question, “How would you describe the recent rise in protests and public demonstrations?” Here were the results:

  • RIOT – Most protests are an excuse for destruction and looting. 19%
  • REBELLION – People have a right to voice their opinions and be heard. 6%
  • I believe in peaceful protests and condemn those who take advantage of these gathering to cause destruction and harm. 70%
  • I believe the people who are demonstrating against injustice have a right to demonstrate in whatever way can draw attention to the message and take what they feel belongs to them. 5%

The poll ran in conjunction with an LPM 2Cents on 2Things podcast featuring Paul Jaeckle, vice president of asset protection for Meijer, where he offered his point of view on mask wearing in retail and riot vs. rebellion. Listen to the podcast here. A video version of his discussion with LPM’s Kevin McMenimen is also available to watch on that link.

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This 2Cents on 2Things series is sponsored by Prime Communications whose Prime Secured solutions provide retailers with a safe and secured environment for employees, visitors, and physical assets.


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