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May 2024 Officer of the Month Announced

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) has announced Sergeant Matthew Titman of the Bowie (MD) Police Department as their Officer of the Month for May 2024. Sgt. Titman was selected for his actions when he jumped into a pond to save a boy and his dog from drowning.

On Thursday, May 16, Sgt. Titman responded to a call about a dog in distress at the deep end of a pond at Centennial Park. The dog’s owner, a teenage boy, had entered the water to rescue the dog but began to struggle and called for help. Sgt. Titman, who was at the nearby police department, arrived at the scene, removed his gear, and entered the water. Using his lifeguard experience, Sgt. Titman swam 20 yards from the shore to the boy and the dog, calmed them down, and brought them to safety. Both the boy and the dog were unharmed.

“These officers are heroes, and their actions serve to highlight the countless acts of valor which often go unnoticed and without the recognition or fanfare such acts deserve,” said William Alexander, CEO of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. “We are humbled and proud to honor Sgt. Titman as our Officer of the Month for May 2024.”

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The Officer of the Month Award Program is sponsored by the Police Unity Tour and recognizes federal, state, and local officers who distinguish themselves through exemplary law enforcement service and devotion to duty.

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