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LVT SafeNow Beta Brings Mobile Security Unit Features to Retail and Business Employees

LVT (LiveView Technologies), has unveiled SafeNow, a mobile application feature that allows employees to activate LVT unit lights and audio warnings, improving their safety during shift changes and any time they are outside of the building. The new feature is the only workforce tool available that allows employees to proactively and reactively deter crime and protect themselves versus calling for help after the fact.

“Parking lots and building exteriors can be hotbeds of crime, especially in poorly lit areas and when employees work nighttime hours,” said Steve Lindsey, LVT CTO. “SafeNow brings the power of LVT’s proven security features directly to employees across every industry—including retail, healthcare, and critical infrastructure—enabling them to use additional lighting and alarms before leaving to their cars and execute deterrence features that show potential bad actors the area is being monitored.”

Store and business employees receive a unique PIN to access SafeNow and activate an LVT Unit’s floodlights, audio warnings, and strobe lights to deter crime or call 911 as a final measure. The interface features single swipeable buttons to prevent accidental activation while enabling quick and easy use during emergencies. SafeNow is a feature on the LVT mobile app, though this functionality is currently only available for beta.

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LVT customers interested in SafeNow can sign up for the beta program at General availability will be announced at a future date. Visit LVT at the NRF 2025 Expo at booth #1153 to receive a SafeNow demo and sign up for the beta.

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