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LPM “Magpie” Awards: Applauding Excellence, September-October 2017

The LPM “Magpie” Awards offer a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others that demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession.

The ability to influence change is a product of drive, creativity, and determination, but it also requires a unique ability to create a shared vision that others will understand, respect, support, and pursue. Each of the following recipients reflects that standard of excellence, representing the quality and spirit of leadership that makes a difference in our lives, our people, and our programs. Please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of our latest honorees.

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Excellence in Partnerships

Hedgie Bartol, Retail Business Development Manager, Axis Communications
“As I was climbing the career ladder, the one thing that always seemed to be at the core of wherever I found myself was a strong sense of doing the right thing for my customer,” said Bartol. “Through the years, I truly believe that what’s helped me advance my career has been my desire to not sell my customers anything, but rather help them get what they need. Always do right by your customer and serve their best interest and not your own. If you do that, your customers will be your partners, and you will have a long-lasting, mutual relationship.

“We have to listen, learn, and respond—on both sides of the relationship. A business partnership is a two-way street. There has to be trust. Once you’ve established that trust, stay with it and realize that it is the keystone of the whole thing.

“This industry and community has been a real home for me and is like no other. I am honored and flattered to receive this recognition, but the only reason that I received it is because of the folks in this community. They’ve always made sure that the equation balances.”

Excellence in Leadership

Tom Arigi, Senior Director of Safety and Security, Walmart US
“When I think about the true leaders that I’ve known or worked with, I’ve found that they drive for results and have a passion for what they do,” said Arigi. “But they were also resilient. They had the ability shed setbacks quickly and move on, celebrating even the small wins along the way. They inspired their teams to do better, setting the bar higher—but not so high it’s unrealistic.

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“Leaders know it’s all about the team. In today’s rapidly changing world, our leaders must have imagination. They have to be innovators without ego. That approach allows us to be great listeners, embracing other perspectives and giving credit where credit is due. That attitude builds trust and helps develop future leaders.

“For young leaders, my advice would be to take some chances, both in your current role and when thinking about the next opportunity. Volunteer to take on the tough projects. Diversify your resume. Not every move has to be a promotion. Consider developmental opportunities as part of your long-term success strategy. Realize that some of the best ways to prepare for your ultimate career goal in AP may be outside of AP.”

Nominations Are Encouraged

We want this to be your program. Those of you working as LP practitioners witness these exceptional performances on a regular and ongoing basis, and we strongly encourage you to provide us with nominees for each of the award categories. We encourage creative nominations and want the program to cast a positive light on the many tremendous contributions of the loss prevention community. Nominations can be submitted via email to excellence (at) LPportal(dot) com.

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