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LPM “Magpie” Awards: Applauding Excellence, May–June 2017

The LPM “Magpie” Awards offer a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others that demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession.

The ability to influence change is a product of drive, creativity, and determination, but it also requires a unique ability to create a shared vision that others will understand, respect, support, and pursue. Each of the following recipients reflect that standard of excellence, representing the quality and spirit of leadership that makes a difference in our lives, our people, and our programs. Please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of our latest honorees.

Excellence in Leadership

Don Knox, President of the International Association of Black Security Executives (IOBSE)
A veteran industry professional, Knox carries more than twenty years of experience in enterprise security strategy, policy and program development, risk management, crisis management, business continuity, and information security. He is currently the director of enterprise security, crisis management, and business continuity for Sears Holdings. Beyond his responsibilities with Sears, Knox also serves as president of the IOBSE. Offering a message of inclusion, the fundamental goal of IOBSE is to broaden the thought processes of individuals, teams, businesses, and the community in general. Through the exchange of information, ideas, knowledge, and experience, the IOBSE facilitates professional resources, education, and training.

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Knox and the entire team at IOBSE also focus on the identification and development of talent and helping to develop leadership skills that translate to success in the business environment. Every year a select group of college students are invited to attend an annual event and participate in educational programs, guidance and learning exercises, and networking with industry professionals. Workshops are also held with subject-matter experts that share strategies for communication, networking, resume building, and job interviews—with many leading to career opportunities.

Excellence in Community Service

Sara Mays, former Director of Loss Prevention Stores and Training, Barnes & Noble
As a seasoned veteran of the loss prevention industry, Mays has shown excellence both with her performance in the stores and in the community. Following an unfortunate accident involving a coworker’s toddler son drowning in a swimming pool, Mays decided to take action and make a difference.

“Drowning is the number one cause of accidental deaths among children ages one to four, and unfortunately, not every family can afford to send their children to adequate swimming lessons,” said Mays. “This is why my colleagues and I founded Strokes for Strokes, a charitable organization providing swimming scholarships to children in need.”

Through an annual golf tournament, funds are raised to support swimming lessons at community pools to help avoid similar incidents moving forward. Since the inception of the program in 2013, hundreds of disadvantaged children have received swim lessons.

“We hope not only to continue helping children learn to swim in future years, but also to inspire retailers and their employees to start their own community-focused projects and identify creative ways of giving back,” added Mays.

LP Solutions

Excellence in Partnerships

Cita Doyle, LPQ, Director of Sales and Marketing, InstaKey Security Systems
After joining InstaKey in 2001, Doyle was quick to build upon her new-found passion for the security and loss prevention industry. She was soon promoted to director of sales and marketing where she has continued to thrive as a genuine and valued partner. She stresses the need to become an expert in not only what her retail clients do and the value that it provides, but also the industry.

“Ask questions and actively listen to others,” Doyle explained. “Talk less and hear more of where you can help. Educate yourself about the industry and the people in it. Never stop learning, share your knowledge, and help others become successful.”

But there’s something more. “I can attribute many of my successes to a strong core belief that we should do the right thing regardless of opportunity or cost and provide value in every relationship,” said Doyle. “Strong partnerships provide success to everyone involved, and especially to oneself. Be kind, honest, and always build a foundation of trust. No matter what you sell, service, or support, strive to make a positive impact—it will be the legacy you leave for others to follow.”

Nominations Are Encouraged

We want this to be your program. Those of you working as LP practitioners witness these exceptional performances on a regular and ongoing basis, and we strongly encourage you to provide us with nominees for each of the award categories. We encourage creative nominations and want the program to cast a positive light on the many tremendous contributions of the loss prevention community. Nominations can be submitted via email to excellence (at) LPportal (dot) com.

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