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LPM Insider Survey: Where Are You Most Likely to Buy Toys?

In last week’s most-read article, “What Happened to Toys “R” Us?,” we learned that the iconic toy megastore has announced that it plans to sell or close all 800 of its remaining US retail stores. For most of us, this was a store that we grew up with, spending birthdays, holidays, and other special events scanning the shelves looking for the latest and greatest “must-have” toys, board games, bicycles, model cars, baby dolls, Thomas® trains, Lego sets, video games, and other treasures depending the age, the era, and the whims of the children (and adults) in our lives.

Certainly, shopping habits have changed. For those of us in retail we are well-aware that we are knee-deep in a new age of retail where convenience, competition, and omni-channel opportunities have resulted in new options for today’s retail customer. This will continue to factor in on business decisions for years to come as companies adjust to the latest demands of the customer and the business.


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So, what did happen? What went wrong? Why are these stores closing? Obviously, there are many different factors that contributed to the downfall of this American icon. But did you shop there? Most of us have children in our lives or are somehow place in situations where we’ve purchased toys, games, and other leisure items that would commonly be sold at a store like a Toys R Us. Have your shopping habits led you away from shopping at these stores?

What do you think? Not exactly the type of question you expected? Not every survey necessarily has to help us solve world problems, but some can help us better understand how things are changing in the retail world around us. In this week’s LPM Insider Survey, we’re asking our readers:

We look forward to your insights and opinions! Please feel free to candidly share your thoughts. All responses to the survey will remain anonymous.

Look for the results of the survey to appear in next Monday’s LPM Insider.

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