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LPF Webinar about Cracking Down on Retail Theft Today

Shoplifting is now considered the number one major property crime in the United States. It has profound effects as well—the higher retail prices of commodities to make up for the losses, significant loss of local and state tax revenues and legal costs, reduced hours and loss of community jobs in the event of store closures, and with more brazen shoplifters, the possible loss of life to guards and loss prevention professionals.

CIS Security Solutions is pleased to introduce you to one of the sponsors of the new Florida House Bill 0549, Florida House Representative John Snyder (R) in this webinar today, July 11 at 1 p.m. ET. He will enlighten us on the details of HB-0549 and how it can impact shoplifting and our communities going forward. This bill mentions the word “Theft” 22 times. It was signed into law by Governor DeSantis on 4/9/2024 in Stuart FL, at our local Walgreens, 1.5 miles down the road from the CIS Security Solutions offices.

HB-0549: Reducing minimum threshold amount for grand theft of third degree; creates new offense of grand theft offenses; provides enhanced criminal penalties for committing petit theft of first degree & having certain previous convictions; revises number of thefts required within specified aggregation period required to commit specified violation for retail theft; revises specified timeframes in which individual acts of retail theft may be aggregated; prohibits retail theft with specified number of other persons for specified purpose; prohibits retail theft when social media platform is used to solicit participation; requires person convicted of retail theft to pay specified restitution.

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This webinar is presented by the Loss Prevention Foundation in partnership with CIS Security Solutions. Register now!

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