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Loss Prevention Manager Convicted in Theft of $230K from Store

An Oregon woman was convicted of theft for stealing thousand of dollars from a Fred Meyer store. Yesterday, a jury convicted a loss prevention manager, identified as Emily Tallman, 37, of stealing nearly $230,000 from self-checkout machines. The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office said Tallman stole the money from the store from January 25, 2017 through June 21, 2017.

The jury convicted Tallman of 14 counts of first-degree theft and seven counts of first-degree aggravated theft. Evidence was presented during trail that showed Tallman used her employee badge to enter the store outside of normal business hours. She would approach the self-checkout machines with a shopping cart, open the machines, hold a clipboard to block the store’s surveillance cameras and would reach inside the machine to withdraw the cash stored inside.

“Early in 2017, the store realized that it was losing large sums of money from its self-checkout machines. Week after week, numerous machines were coming up short,” Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney Sean Hughey said in court. The company had regional loss prevention investigators start looking into the thefts after Tallman reported she was unable to figure out how or why the self-checkout machines kept coming up short on cash, according to the DA. Sentencing is tentatively scheduled for April 12.   [Source: Fox12 Oregon]

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