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LP Magazine 2016 – WOW! What a Year!

2016 has been a crazy busy—and tremendously productive year at LP Magazine, and as the year winds down, we would like to thank you, the LP professional, and the entire loss prevention/asset protection community for making us your top choice for loss prevention news, information and education.

The retail industry has continued to move forward at a record pace with loss prevention keeping step—and in some cases, leading the way. Our role is evolving as well, and we recognize and appreciate that supporting you with news and information in a variety of topics is critical in helping you support the business.

We approach information like you do at your job. When you first arrive you want to know “what’s going on out there”, so we give you “Breaking News” from across the country and around the globe. Once you are up to speed, you need to focus on the goals of the day, the week and the month—so we bring you articles from a wide range of individuals who offer leading examples of best practices from both the field and the corporate office. You then focus on long term goals, and in response we bring you the very best from solution providers and industry experts who are as dedicated to supporting you as a professional as they are to serving the entire industry.

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Professional success is a journey—not a headline. Insights from subject matter experts and educational resources that make each and every one of us better—from the store detective to the top leaders in the industry—must remain our primary objective as we strive to balance information with learning, leadership and industry expertise.

We are Listening – Please Keep Talking!

We rely on you to help us stay connected and better understand the direction and pace of the industry so that we can help you to plan ahead and pave the way. This past year we reinforced that commitment with the launch of our new LP Magazine website and new digital offerings to include the daily LPM Insider along with other resources like our fresh and fun EyeOnLP video segments, and brand new digital channels like our LPM Free Reports, LPM Voice, and LPM Spotlight. Our focus on education includes free webinars that further support your needs and interests, and we have never seen higher attendance. This is a credit to you and the entire loss prevention community as together we seek out ways to educate and engage the industry by providing suggestions and feedback on the topics that you want to see and hear.

You “Like” – and We Love it!

We… or should we say “you” have blown the doors off our presence on social media sites such as LinkedIn and Twitter. We continue to exponentially increase our followers who share great articles, stories and feedback, which in turn helps drive what we do. We see what you do and we hear what you like, and that helps to directly drive our engagement with loss prevention leaders and subject matter experts—from practitioners to solution providers and industry partners, to create interesting, engaging, and high-quality articles that keep you educated and informed.

The Numbers are in – and they are AWESOME!

Thanks to each and every one of you, the loss prevention/asset protection community has responded and the numbers are clear. We have seen strong, steady and consistent increases in our subscribers in all of our various digital offerings, strong and increasing open rates, click-thru rates and engagement scores—all coupled with tremendous feedback! Your frequent and positive comments are confirming that you, our audience, are well-engaged. Social media interaction and engagement is at an all-time high, , and our print subscriptions have increased as well (so who says print is dead?!). All of this demonstrates your dedication to self-improvement, and your passion and commitment as professionals in this, “our” loss prevention industry.

Turning the Page to 2017

Fueled with the passion, energy and commitment you bring to us, we look to 2017 as a year when “we are just getting started”. Which is funny to say, given that this past year we celebrated our fifteenth year supporting this great industry. 15 years! And as we move into the new year we remain committed to providing you with the very best news, information and education with absolute credibility. As we look forward to 2017 you can look for continued content expansion, additional opportunities for reader engagement, and new ways to enhance the reader experience with fresh content, new authors, more collaboration, expanded categories, and more of what you’ve come to expect from the true leader in loss prevention news and information.

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From the entire team at LP Magazine we wish all of you a safe, productive, and happy holiday season!

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