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Accused Shoplifter Bites Off LP Associate’s Ear

In Puyallup, Washington, a loss prevention associate (LPA) had part of his ear bitten off when he tried to stop a man stealing polo shirts from a clothing store, records show. The associate first noticed three young men in the store Friday and decided to watch them closely. He then saw an 18-year-old fold up two polo shirts, go into a changing room and come out with them hidden in his jacket, according to court documents.

When the man and his two friends left the store without paying, the LPA followed the would-be shoplifters and stopped them… That’s when things got out of hand. The associate was wrestling with the 18-year-old on the ground when the suspect’s two friends allegedly began hitting the LPA and threatening him. As he tried to flip the suspect over, the suspect bit his ear, “latching onto it,” shoved his hand in the associate’s mouth and grabbed his hair, records show.

“As the LPA tried to get the defendant to let go of his ear, the defendant bit harder, tearing a portion of the ear lobe,” records show. The LP associate needed 10 stitches to reattach his ear. On Monday, the 18-year-old pleaded not guilty to first-degree robbery and second-degree assault. He was ordered jailed in lieu of $15,000 bail. One of his underage friends was also taken into custody. The loss prevention associate, suspects, and the name of the store were not provided in this story.   [Source: The News Tribune]

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