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Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified – December 2018

Professional excellence requires dedication and responsibility, and is something that the best continuously strive to achieve. In order to maximize potential, it is essential that professional development is seen as an ongoing process. We should always be looking for ways to improve our skills, abilities, and base of knowledge as a means to maximize performance. Loss prevention certification is a means of establishing and validating that standard of excellence.

The Loss Prevention Foundation Celebrates the Certified LP Professional

We are pleased to recognize and congratulate those industry leaders who recently obtained their LPC certification. Despite their demanding schedule and having other impressive educational credentials, they still saw the value and took the time to obtain this industry-leading LPC credential.

In order to achieve the highest standards of excellence, loss prevention professionals must embrace the importance of continuing education as a gateway to higher performance and achievement within the profession. The best way to invest in our future is to invest in ourselves, and each of us holds the responsibility to maximize our talents and abilities to best serve our professional ambitions.

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Loss prevention certification is an investment that we make in ourselves. It is not simply a commitment to higher learning, but also a dedication to reach a higher standard. Each of these individuals is helping to raise the bar for the profession; and has earned both their designation and respect of the loss prevention community.

The Loss Prevention Foundation is pleased to recognize and congratulate the following individuals who have successfully completed all of the requirements set forth by the board of directors to be LPQualified (LPQ) and/or LPCertified (LPC):

Francis Benesz, Jr LPC Sears Holding Corp. National Manager of AP Learning & Development
Christopher Buszka, LPQ Bed Bath & Beyond Asset Management Operations & Analytics
Gregory Dolcich, LPQ DSW Regional Loss Prevention Manager
Christopher Gipson, LPQ 7-Eleven, Inc. Investigator
Victor Jacinto, LPC IKEA North America Services, LLC U.S. Safety & Security Manager
Jason Merwin, LPC Sears Stores, Inc Area asset protection Manager
Kevin Mgrdichian, LPC Sears Holdings Corp. District Loss Prevention Manager
Ethan Oppenheim, LPQ Best Buy Asset Protection Specialist
Nicola Price, LPQ John Lewis Loss Prevention
Sergio Tovar, LPC The TJX Companies, Inc. Regional Loss Prevention Manager
Christopher Weaver, LPC Walmart Stores, Inc. Asset Protection Manager
Barbara Weaver, LPQ Best Buy, Inc. General Manager

It is our responsibility to manage the process, driven by individual learning experiences and carrying a personal signature for success. Continuing education, training and skills development, lifelong learning activities, intellectual nourishment and exposure to new ideas all contribute to that plan. Are you taking the necessary steps?

To view the Recently Certified for November 2o18, click here.

For more information on loss prevention certification and the certification process, contact the Loss Prevention Foundation at

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