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ISCPO Selects Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund to Receive Donation

The Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund was recently selected to receive a donation from the International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO) at this year’s conference. The conference, which will be held March 6–7, 2019 in Irving, TX, focuses on supply chain security, industry theft, global trends and investigation.

“We are honored to once again be able to support the Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund. The ISCPO is focused on promoting, educating and advocating supply chain security and protection but our roots continue to be with the Loss Prevention community,” said Byron Smith, CFI, LPC, corporate asset protection manager at 7-Eleven and chairman of ISCPO.

The LP Benevolent Fund was established to provide charitable financial grants to families of loss prevention/asset protection professionals following a serious injury or loss of life while conducting the duties of their loss prevention/asset protection profession.

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Terry Sullivan, LPC, president of The Loss Prevention Foundation said, “We are very thankful to again be chosen by the ISCPO and are excited to be able to continue our partnership. The Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund is a meaningful way to honor our industry’s professionals and their families when it matters the most.”

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