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Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund Selected as Host Charity for 2017 ISCPO Conference

The Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund was recently chosen as the main charity for this year’s International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO) conference. This will be the organization’s first time hosting the LP Benevolent Fund. The conference, which will be held September 12–13 in Dallas, TX, focuses on supply chain security, industry theft, global trends, and investigation.

“The ISCPO is very honored to be able to support the LP Benevolent Fund. While we are a young organization focused on promoting, educating and advocating supply chain security and protection, our roots are with the loss prevention community. Helping those in our community is important to the ISCPO and supporting the LPBF is the right thing to do,” said Byron Smith, CFI, LPC, corporate asset protection manager at 7-Eleven and vice chairman of ISCPO.

The LP Benevolent Fund was established to provide financial assistance to surviving families who have lost a loved one while preforming the duties of the loss prevention/asset protection profession. LPBF was also established to provide financial grants to eligible participants who experience a verifiable economic hardship as a result of qualifying circumstances.

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LPF President Terry Sullivan, LPC, said, “We are very thankful and humbled to be the selected charity by the ISCPO and we appreciate the partnership. The Loss Prevention Benevolent fund is a great way to give back to those LP professionals and their families experiencing hardship in their time of need.”

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