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‘Large’ Malls in New York Will Need High-Quality Air Systems to Reopen

Malls in New York will need high-quality air systems that can filter out COVID-19 before they will be allowed to reopen.

“Any malls that will open in New York, large malls, we will make it mandatory that they have air filtration systems that can filter out the COVID virus,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said during a press briefing on Monday. “For many of these systems it depends on what filter you install.”

The governor, who did not specify when malls will be allowed to reopen, said high-efficiency particulate air filters — HEPA filters — remove particulates from the air that are as small as .01 microns, which is smaller than the .1 microns associated with COVID-19 particulates.

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“For large mall reopenings, which we haven’t done yet, but we’re going to make this mandatory,” he said, adding he would “recommend” all state businesses use air handling systems that have the same specifications.

Mall operators and heating ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration association ASHRAE have disputed claims that indoor that their indoor heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems pose a danger…  Chain Store Age

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