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IT Teams: The Unsung Heroes of Retail During COVID-19

The COVID-19 outbreak is turning out to be the biggest unprecedented event in modern times. But we all can agree that we’re at a better place than we were in the 1920s when the last pandemic broke out. Today, information technology (IT) has enabled businesses to operate despite closing their physical doors. Thanks to IT support teams, most businesses were able to mobilize their workforce for remote work in a matter of days.

For retailers, which has arguably been one of the industries hit the hardest in this pandemic, IT teams have been a saving grace, as brands pivot to digital and e-commerce strategies to ensure happy customers and business continuity post-COVID-19. Many retailers were already expanding their e-commerce offerings and shifting to a digital mind-set, however, the global crisis created greater urgency and put pressure on IT departments to get websites up and running quickly and effectively, put security protocols in place, and ensure that employee remote work tools and communication channels were ready for business.

So, what exactly are these retail IT teams doing to ensure global e-commerce brands are staying afloat…?  TotalRetail

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