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International Supply Chain Protection Organization Announces Date and Venue for 2016 ISCPO Conference

The International Supply Chain Protection Organization would like to announce the date and venue for the 2016 ISCPO Conference. Fossil Group, INC. will once again host the ISCPO Conference at their Corporate Headquarters in Richardson, Texas. Mark your calendars for September 7th and 8th, 2016. The two day Global Expansion of Business conference will be addressing topics related to supply chain security, industry theft trends and investigations.

The conference will again provide a great venue to network with global industry peers, transportation/logistics professionals, law enforcement, and select vendor partners. ISCPO members and other interested parties should consider attending.

ISCPO is proud to announce this year’s keynote speaker Thomas Class, Special Agent in Charge – FBI in Dallas, Texas. Vendors interested in visiting with conference attendees are also asked to email concerning opportunities. Submit your inquiries to Byron Smith at

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We are looking forward to seeing everyone this year, so mark your calendars. Event registration information will follow soon. For more information, visit our website –

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