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InstaKey Announces Key Control at Anytime, from Anywhere, on Any Device

With InstaKey’s patented Key Control Software platform,®, businesses have real-time access to key system records anytime they need it, 24/7. In the event of a security breach, this cloud-based solution allows business managers and owners to acquire a complete list of key holders with access to the compromised areas. Simply by logging in to® on any web-enabled laptop, smartphone, or tablet, visibility to key system data can be obtained easily from anywhere, at any time.® cloud-based key tracking software was created by InstaKey, using over 30 years of expertise and industry best practices with enhanced security protocols on 6 U.S. patents.

For more information, go to or call (800) 316-5397, and be sure to visit InstaKey at NRF Protect from June 15-16 at Booth #912.

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The® promotional video was developed in collaboration with LPM Media Group.

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